
Facturen zijn te beheren via de controller 'invoice'.

invoiceline add

Middels deze functie voegt u een factuurregel toe aan een bestaande factuur. Deze functie is beschikbaar voor een factuur in alle statussen.


Veldnaam Waarde Omschrijving
Identifier int De unieke ID van een factuur
InvoiceCode string Het factuurnummer
InvoiceLines array Factuurregel:
- Date date     Datum. Standaard: vandaag
- Number float     Aantal. Standaard: 1
- ProductCode string     Productnummer
- Description string     Omschrijving
- PriceExcl float     Prijs per stuk (excl. BTW]
- DiscountPercentage float     Korting factuurregel, percentage: 0 - 100
- DiscountPercentageType 'line' of 'subscription'     Type korting
    (enkel factuurregel of ook voor abonnement]
- TaxCode string     BTW code
    Terug te vinden bij de BTW instellingen.
- StartDate date     Startdatum van de periode
- EndDate date     Einddatum van de periode
    Enkel in te geven als PeriodicType 'once' is.
- PeriodicType 'period' of 'once'     Periodiek factureren?
    Standaard: 'once' (Geen abonnement]
- Periods int     Factureer iedere: aantal periodes
- Periodic string     Factureer iedere: eenheid, zie variabelen-lijst
Verplichte velden: Identifier of InvoiceCode, en InvoiceLines Identifier (minimaal 1)

Voorbeeld invoer:

$parameters = [
    "InvoiceCode" => "[concept]0001",
    "InvoiceLines" => [
            "ProductCode" => "P0001",
            "PriceExcl" => 100

$api->sendRequest('invoiceline', 'add', $parameters);

Voorbeeld uitvoer:

    [controller] => invoiceline
    [action] => add
    [status] => success
    [date] => 2024-01-21T12:00:00+02:00
    [success] => Array
            [0] => Er zijn 1 factuurregels toegevoegd

    [invoice] => Array
            [Identifier] => 1
            [InvoiceCode] => [concept]0001
            [Debtor] => 1
            [DebtorCode] => DB10000
            [Status] => 0
            [SubStatus] => 
            [PaymentPausedEndDate] => 
            [PaymentPausedReason] => 
            [Date] => 2023-11-22
            [Term] => 14
            [PayBefore] => 2023-12-06
            [PaymentURL] => 
            [AmountExcl] => 329.64
            [AmountTax] => 69.22
            [AmountIncl] => 398.86
            [AmountPaid] => 0.00
            [AmountOutstanding] => 398.86
            [Discount] => 0
            [VatCalcMethod] => excl
            [IgnoreDiscount] => no
            [ReferenceNumber] => 
            [CompanyName] => Jan Janssen B.V.
            [Initials] => Jan
            [SurName] => Janssen
            [Sex] => m
            [Address] => Keizersgracht 100
            [ZipCode] => 1015 AA
            [City] => Amsterdam
            [Country] => NL
            [EmailAddress] => info@example.com
            [ExtraClientContactId] => 0
            [InvoiceMethod] => 0
            [ScheduledAt] => 
            [SentDate] => 
            [Sent] => 0
            [Reminders] => 0
            [ReminderDate] => 
            [Summations] => 0
            [SummationDate] => 
            [Authorisation] => no
            [PaymentMethod] => 
            [PayDate] => 
            [TransactionID] => 
            [LanguageCode] => nl_nl
            [Currency] => EUR
            [Description] => 
            [Comment] => 
            [InvoiceLines] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [Identifier] => 1
                            [Date] => 2023-11-22
                            [Number] => 2
                            [NumberSuffix] => 
                            [ProductCode] => P0001
                            [Description] => Werkzaamheden gebaseerd op uurtarief
                            [PriceExcl] => 100
                            [DiscountPercentage] => 0
                            [DiscountPercentageType] => line
                            [TaxCode] => V21
                            [TaxPercentage] => 21
                            [PeriodicID] => 0
                            [Periods] => 1
                            [Periodic] => 
                            [StartDate] => 
                            [EndDate] => 
                            [StartPeriod] => 
                            [EndPeriod] => 

                    [1] => Array
                            [Identifier] => 2
                            [Date] => 2023-11-22
                            [Number] => 155
                            [NumberSuffix] => km
                            [ProductCode] => P0002
                            [Description] => Reiskosten à € 0,19 per km
                            [PriceExcl] => 0.19
                            [DiscountPercentage] => 0
                            [DiscountPercentageType] => line
                            [TaxCode] => V21
                            [TaxPercentage] => 21
                            [PeriodicID] => 0
                            [Periods] => 1
                            [Periodic] => 
                            [StartDate] => 
                            [EndDate] => 
                            [StartPeriod] => 
                            [EndPeriod] => 

                    [2] => Array
                            [Identifier] => 3
                            [Date] => 2023-11-22
                            [Number] => 1
                            [NumberSuffix] => 
                            [ProductCode] => P0002
                            [Description] => Reiskosten à € 0,19 per km
                            [PriceExcl] => 0.19
                            [DiscountPercentage] => 0
                            [DiscountPercentageType] => line
                            [TaxCode] => V21
                            [TaxPercentage] => 21
                            [PeriodicID] => 0
                            [Periods] => 1
                            [Periodic] => 
                            [StartDate] => 
                            [EndDate] => 
                            [StartPeriod] => 
                            [EndPeriod] => 

                    [3] => Array
                            [Identifier] => 4
                            [Date] => 2024-09-25
                            [Number] => 1
                            [NumberSuffix] => 
                            [ProductCode] => P0001
                            [Description] => Werkzaamheden gebaseerd op uurtarief
                            [PriceExcl] => 100
                            [DiscountPercentage] => 0
                            [DiscountPercentageType] => line
                            [TaxCode] => V21
                            [TaxPercentage] => 21
                            [PeriodicID] => 0
                            [Periods] => 1
                            [Periodic] => 
                            [StartDate] => 
                            [EndDate] => 
                            [StartPeriod] => 
                            [EndPeriod] => 


            [Created] => 2024-01-21 11:00:00
            [Modified] => 2024-01-21 11:00:00
            [VatShift] => no
            [Attachments] => Array

            [Translations] => Array
                    [Status] => Concept
                    [Country] => Nederland
                    [InvoiceMethod] => Per e‑mail
                    [PaymentMethod] => 
                    [LanguageLabel] => Nederlands



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