Maak uw eerste factuur aan!
Duizenden gebruikers gingen u al voor.
Facturen zijn te beheren via de controller 'invoice'.
Middels deze functie voegt u een factuurregel toe aan een bestaande factuur. Deze functie is beschikbaar voor een factuur in alle statussen.
Veldnaam | Waarde | Omschrijving |
Identifier | int | De unieke ID van een factuur |
InvoiceCode | string | Het factuurnummer |
InvoiceLines | array | Factuurregel: |
- Date | date | Datum. Standaard: vandaag |
- Number | float | Aantal. Standaard: 1 |
- ProductCode | string | Productnummer |
- Description | string | Omschrijving |
- PriceExcl | float | Prijs per stuk (excl. BTW] |
- DiscountPercentage | float | Korting factuurregel, percentage: 0 - 100 |
- DiscountPercentageType | 'line' of 'subscription' | Type korting (enkel factuurregel of ook voor abonnement] |
- TaxCode | string | BTW code Terug te vinden bij de BTW instellingen. |
- StartDate | date | Startdatum van de periode |
- EndDate | date | Einddatum van de periode Enkel in te geven als PeriodicType 'once' is. |
- PeriodicType | 'period' of 'once' | Periodiek factureren? Standaard: 'once' (Geen abonnement] |
- Periods | int | Factureer iedere: aantal periodes |
- Periodic | string | Factureer iedere: eenheid, zie variabelen-lijst |
$parameters = [
"InvoiceCode" => "[concept]0001",
"InvoiceLines" => [
"ProductCode" => "P0001",
"PriceExcl" => 100
$api->sendRequest('invoiceline', 'add', $parameters);
[controller] => invoiceline
[action] => add
[status] => success
[date] => 2024-01-21T12:00:00+02:00
[success] => Array
[0] => Er zijn 1 factuurregels toegevoegd
[invoice] => Array
[Identifier] => 1
[InvoiceCode] => [concept]0001
[Debtor] => 1
[DebtorCode] => DB10000
[Status] => 0
[SubStatus] =>
[PaymentPausedEndDate] =>
[PaymentPausedReason] =>
[Date] => 2023-11-22
[Term] => 14
[PayBefore] => 2023-12-06
[PaymentURL] =>
[AmountExcl] => 329.64
[AmountTax] => 69.22
[AmountIncl] => 398.86
[AmountPaid] => 0.00
[AmountOutstanding] => 398.86
[Discount] => 0
[VatCalcMethod] => excl
[IgnoreDiscount] => no
[ReferenceNumber] =>
[CompanyName] => Jan Janssen B.V.
[Initials] => Jan
[SurName] => Janssen
[Sex] => m
[Address] => Keizersgracht 100
[ZipCode] => 1015 AA
[City] => Amsterdam
[Country] => NL
[EmailAddress] =>
[ExtraClientContactId] => 0
[InvoiceMethod] => 0
[ScheduledAt] =>
[SentDate] =>
[Sent] => 0
[Reminders] => 0
[ReminderDate] =>
[Summations] => 0
[SummationDate] =>
[Authorisation] => no
[PaymentMethod] =>
[PayDate] =>
[TransactionID] =>
[LanguageCode] => nl_nl
[Currency] => EUR
[Description] =>
[Comment] =>
[InvoiceLines] => Array
[0] => Array
[Identifier] => 1
[Date] => 2023-11-22
[Number] => 2
[NumberSuffix] =>
[ProductCode] => P0001
[Description] => Werkzaamheden gebaseerd op uurtarief
[PriceExcl] => 100
[DiscountPercentage] => 0
[DiscountPercentageType] => line
[TaxCode] => V21
[TaxPercentage] => 21
[PeriodicID] => 0
[Periods] => 1
[Periodic] =>
[StartDate] =>
[EndDate] =>
[StartPeriod] =>
[EndPeriod] =>
[1] => Array
[Identifier] => 2
[Date] => 2023-11-22
[Number] => 155
[NumberSuffix] => km
[ProductCode] => P0002
[Description] => Reiskosten à € 0,19 per km
[PriceExcl] => 0.19
[DiscountPercentage] => 0
[DiscountPercentageType] => line
[TaxCode] => V21
[TaxPercentage] => 21
[PeriodicID] => 0
[Periods] => 1
[Periodic] =>
[StartDate] =>
[EndDate] =>
[StartPeriod] =>
[EndPeriod] =>
[2] => Array
[Identifier] => 3
[Date] => 2023-11-22
[Number] => 1
[NumberSuffix] =>
[ProductCode] => P0002
[Description] => Reiskosten à € 0,19 per km
[PriceExcl] => 0.19
[DiscountPercentage] => 0
[DiscountPercentageType] => line
[TaxCode] => V21
[TaxPercentage] => 21
[PeriodicID] => 0
[Periods] => 1
[Periodic] =>
[StartDate] =>
[EndDate] =>
[StartPeriod] =>
[EndPeriod] =>
[3] => Array
[Identifier] => 4
[Date] => 2024-09-25
[Number] => 1
[NumberSuffix] =>
[ProductCode] => P0001
[Description] => Werkzaamheden gebaseerd op uurtarief
[PriceExcl] => 100
[DiscountPercentage] => 0
[DiscountPercentageType] => line
[TaxCode] => V21
[TaxPercentage] => 21
[PeriodicID] => 0
[Periods] => 1
[Periodic] =>
[StartDate] =>
[EndDate] =>
[StartPeriod] =>
[EndPeriod] =>
[Created] => 2024-01-21 11:00:00
[Modified] => 2024-01-21 11:00:00
[VatShift] => no
[Attachments] => Array
[Translations] => Array
[Status] => Concept
[Country] => Nederland
[InvoiceMethod] => Per e‑mail
[PaymentMethod] =>
[LanguageLabel] => Nederlands
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